Celebrating Eighteen Years of Serving Jesus

At Nextstep Ministries, We Share a Meal at Every Service. We Always Open Our Bibles and Share the Word of God!!! Everyone is Welcome to Join Us, Believers and Non-Believers.

NSM #100 new website 2025 (1)
Person reading a Bible outdoors.

Dedicated Community Services

  • Here's a short alt tag for the image: Grey cloud divided by a line.
    Free Food and Clothing

    Essential support for those in need.

  • Here's a short alt tag for the image: `Green cross and horizontal line`
    Bible Study Sessions

    Spiritual growth and fellowship.

  • Here's a short alt tag for the image: `Abstract logo, two hands clasped.`
    Compassionate Team

    Warm and understanding support.

Compassionate Outreach Initiative for the Homeless

NextStep Ministries is committed to serving the homeless community in Las Vegas and Henderson with compassion and faith through our outreach initiatives. Our mission is to provide essential services like free food, clothing, and Bible study, guided by Christian faith-based outreach for homeless.

Volunteer donates blankets to man.
Group cooking outdoors at picnic table.

Make a Donation

Through Club 250, we invite you to commit to a small, recurring donation to support our services—just $2.50 per week, $5.00 every two weeks, $7.50 every three weeks, or $10.00 per month. Your contribution will significantly help offset our service costs. Donations can be made via mail or PayPal. Since we’re a tax-exempt nonprofit organization, all donations are 100% tax-deductible. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about how to donate for our Christian homeless outreach.

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